* Womens Interests: February 2012

Our Lives in Our Purse

I was thinking yesterday about how much of our lives are in our fashion purse. When we are young we carried pencils, pens, paper, Kleenex, lip gloss, computer for school and coins. As we had children we add bags of cereal, animal crackers, pacifiers an extra bottle, plastic bags for wet items, wipes and diapers. In our working lives we carried make up for touch ups, calculators, stapler file folders, computer, and other needed work related supplies. I noticed, as we grew older you will be carrying cough drops, hard candies if we are diabetic, a book to read if we have to wait in an office and our pillbox along with the other needed items like lipstick, makeup and our ever present bank cards. Our ladies purses have become our lifeline container.

The chiropractor said we should carry very little as the weight affects our backs. I need all of my Stuff! If you like to be prepared just throw it in your handy dandy fashion purse with the things you need at my fingertips no matter my age or personal needs.

We now have inner shells for our purses so we don't have to remember where in the purse our things went when we changed purses for the next season, next outing or the next stylish outfit we choose for the day. Once we have everything arranged, we like it where it is. Don't move our Stuff! We know where it is with just a feel in the dark. How I love my fashion purse/lifeline.

Alice Pieper has been in love with fabric, colors, textures and pulling an outfit together for years. Please visit http://www.handbagsfromalice.com to find your favorite fashion purse to pull your personal style together.

Conventions of Female Identity

In the mid nineteenth century several women writers were gaining popularity. Writers like Warner, Cummings, Hentz, and Southworth took responsibility on their shoulders to remold the female identity for years to come. We know that women hold the unique responsibility of balancing moral values in a morally deficient society. Within literature and society at the time, the only platform to balance these virtues was a domestic one. This fine line is gets trampled on in EDEN Southworth's The Hidden Hand. Southworth's writing stretches further than specific character tendencies as in the description of the house is what also subverts cultural assumptions.

The use of this symbolic space is deliberately used many times as a device to prove her point. Scenes from Hurricane Hall, the hidden House, Clara Day's Willow heights, Marah's various cottages, and the Cal Retreat insane asylum are examples of spaces that she charged with language derived from feminist master.

Every house in The Hidden Hand serve as a women's prison at one time or another. Hurricane Hall specifically serves as a prison for Capitola at times as she is forbidden beyond certain boundaries. There is a connection between Hurricane Hall and Capitola's relationship that is similar to the constraints commonly placed on women. This theme is prevalent throughout The Hidden Hand but the reader was first introduced in chapter fifteen named Cap's Country Capers. This scene was one of the first introductions to Hurricane Hall as well for the reader. When Capitola first got there she was gloating in her new found fortunes. After living on the streets of New York as a vagrant newsgirl dressed in boy's clothes, she finally found a life of comfort.

Advice on Mardi Gras Ball Dresses

We all know that Mardi Gras is a very interesting and festive holiday that happens before Lent. Now Mardi Gras has come, many countries or cities are holding this big holiday by kinds of activities, such as Venice and New Orleans. Here I just want to talk about some rules of Mardi Gras dresses. If you want to attend this kind of one annual ball and you must need a ball dress. Some people are not disturbing by wearing a wonderful ball dress and know exactly what to look for. Others may not know exactly what they should wear on this big festival holiday. So here are four items for those who are eager to know some guide lines on this holiday.

First, the most important thing you should remember is that Mardi Gras balls have a totally different dress rules than regular parties or cocktail parties and so on. These traditional balls are very elegant and slap-up and you should wear a formal dress that can move freely on the dance floor.

Second, men may have no trouble in finding a black suit with tie or tuxedo. However, women may be concerned about what exactly they should wear to the ball. As we all know traditional Mardi Gras colors are purple, green and gold and most people chose to wear these colors for the ball, while not every ball is as strict as this. Other women may choose a simple black dress and this is also perfectly nice and acceptable. In a word, whatever color you choose is up to you, but it should match your skin and body and it should make you look great.

Third, you should wear a dress that fits your personality and your body shape. If you know exactly what you are looking for or have an idea in mind before searching for a dress, this will make your find a perfect ball dress much easier. If you are not sure about your style, you can ask your best friends or your family members for advice.

Last, you should also pay more attention to the length of the dress, it is also very important. You'd better wear a formal long elegant prom dress- it is the best choice to choose. Those dresses which are very short may be not acceptable and appropriate to wear on this ball. You can also ask someone for advice who has attended this kind of ball before instead of wearing a bad dress on this occasion. Mardi Gras is about fun and celebration so do not overly stress on finding the perfect dress. Just enjoying yourself in this big holiday and showing your best sides.

Now Mardi Gras has come,If you want to learn more information on dresses and see the picture of this article, please visit My beautiful dress blog at http://www.douip.com. And you will get more information about ball dress and fashion.

New Earthies Shoes For Women On Sale

New Earthies for women sandals are raising quite a few eyebrows. Earth Footwear is a company with many decades of a quality reputation in the design and manufacture of comfortable shoes that are good for the body. They have come up with an entirely new concept in healthy yet fashionable shoes. The new line: Earthies. The new Earthies collection is defined by a range of elegant and gorgeous design, feminine shoes for work, casual and dress attire. The New Earthies features include a unique wellness footed with a cupped heel for superb arch support.

If you are a faithful Earth shoe customer, such as myself, you won't want to pass up this new style of shoe. Though it does not feature the Earth Footwear negative heel, it remains a shoe that is designed for comfort. Every so often I would like an alternative to the typical flat shoe, but I do not want to compromise my overall health. The traditional Earth shoes has helped me to not only get my body back into alignment but to keep it well adjusted. I do not often wear heels without regret. Now, I can look forward to my new Earthies. Earth Footwear knows that every woman has moments when they need to feel more feminine and fashionable.

Earthies will allow you to keep your wardrobe up to date without compromising your overall health. Most heels can really wreak havoc on your body when worn every day. I wear my Earth shoes most every day so I notice pain after only one evening of wearing heels. Earth Footwear knows this and has reached out to women with this new line of awesome shoes, the new Earthies for women.

People Magazine featured the new Earthies for women on their Style Watch segment. The recommended the Earthies Teesi wedge. So without further ado I introduce to you Earthies for Women. Buy your new Earthies today and receive free shipping with your order. New Earthies For Women

Naturally realign your spine and walk pain-free. To find out how Earth shoes can change your life visit me at http://www.down2earthshoes.blogspot.com/
Rhondalynn Johnson

Presidential Candidates - The Women

The 2012 presidential candidates may prove to be the most diverse group that we have ever seen in the history of the United States. Let us take a few moments to look at each one of the women that may be in play.

Hillary Clinton, of course, has the most experience of any of the other female 2012 presidential candidates. When she was First Lady she had much influence with her husband, Bill Clinton and was professed to be his most influential advisor. She has been Secretary of State for the past 2 years, and most think that she has done an acceptable, if not excellent job with her duties as such. The only problem with Hillary Clinton is that she would have to challenge Barack Obama for the Democrat nomination. Although the race was very close between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama in 2008, it is hard to tell what the outcome would be in 2012.

Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachmann are the only other two women who have been talked about as 2012 presidential candidates. Sarah Palin's poll numbers have fallen recently, but she still has many staunch supporters. Some believe that the criticism she has taken from the media in the years since she has come into the national spotlight has really damaged her image. She has been highly panned for her lack of experience and global knowledge. Only time will tell if she decides to run as a 2012 presidential candidate.

Michelle Bachmann does have some experience in national politics and is a favorite of the Tea Party. She has earned respect as a well-spoken representative with knowledge in many areas of politics. What about a ticket with Sarah Palin in the number one spot and Michelle Bachmann in the number two spot? Give us another year and we will all find out who the frontrunner will be.

A Woman And Her Spirit

Author Hugh Prather from the Quiet Answer states, "you need never fear your desires or run from your fantasies."

A woman, gentle as a flower, graceful like a swan - a most beautiful elegant species. Yes, WE hold those beautiful qualities and now to learn to embrace these amazing qualities in each one of us. We are captivated by beautiful women as a society. Movie stars that grace our screens - one graceful actress in my humble opinion is Angelina Jolie. I watched her recently in the movie "The Tourist" with Johnny Depp; they opened the movie with her walking the streets of Paris.

She was adorned with a figure, elegant and truly sophisticated, exquisite clothing adorned her body and what made her even more beautiful was her delicate walk. As the camera panned her from every angle - she floated across the pavement. Watch someone's walk - it will tell you a lot about that person. I hope this blog allows us to think about the way we walk as women. I believe we really need to embrace our femininity and accept the fact that we were made WOMEN. Let's really enjoy the fact of this. We were created with so much beauty within, that it shines out of us.

Let's pay attention to our walking - being mindful is a start. Notice a woman that walks gracefully. She looks taller, more confident and truly beautiful!

The title of this blog is the Spirit of a Woman. The spirit lies deep within each of us and from that inner place it extends out to the world to see. Values, morals, character are all connected to the spirit. When we walk with conviction, with purpose we are telling the world you want to be respected, to be honored as the beautiful woman that you are!

I ask that we be aware and notice our walks, our feminine spirit and I join you in walking taller in confidence and in love for yourself!

Remember, may the possibilities of today excite us all!

I am Nancy Shields, I am a woman with a passion and a vision of inspiring and empowering others to be better people for themselves and in turn for the world! I encourage others to grow in their daily lives; to be open to change. I have compassion for the human race and want to encourage through words of wisdom.

http://www.Makegirlfriends.com has been created for women to meet.share and inspire one another.

Female Libido - Problems and Causes

There are so many things that affect the female libido. There are many causes and some of these are known to us but some are unknown yet. It is hard to find out the exact reason but here are some of the things that affect the sexual drive of a woman.

Psychological hindrances is one of the many factors that could greatly reduce your sexual drive. Here are some psychological hindrances. The three psychological hindrances that could tremendously affect your sexual drive are stress, low confidence and anxiety. One major thing that can hinder you is bad self image. Being stressed out and tired from your daily activities can also ruin your performance and even your appetite to enjoy what is in front of you. Another reason is anxiety in any form. It can stop you to fully enjoy engaging yourself. By eliminating all these factors, you are easily on your way to getting a healthier sex life.

Another factor is physical health. You will have a higher sex drive if you exercise regularly than being lazy, sitting at home the whole day. There is a study that says that woman who make themselves active and engafed in physical exercises are less prone to hormonal problems.

Having a poor diet plan can also be a consideration. One factor that greatly determine the activity you could do for a day is the foods you eat. Also, you should refrain from toxic overload. Try and drink lots of water, or better yet, try and detoxify your body of wastes and toxins by drinking green tea.

Birth control pills although prevent pregnancy, could affect your libido. Since these help level your hormones artificially, it would also kill your chances of getting all hyped up.

Aside from OTC, there are also other drugs that can kill a woman's sex drive. Antidepressants, sedatives, and blood pressure medications could also reduce your libido. Asking your doctor for an alternative drug or any drug that can counteract the results of medication is beneficial. In that way, you can delight in your partner fully.

Burqini Swimwear for Muslim Women Will Propel Islamic Female Olympic Competitors

Have you heard about the new Burqini Swimwear for Muslim Women? It takes many of the attributes of the Burka typically worn by the women of Islam and it combines those components into a one-piece full covering swimsuit. Go ahead and search this online at your favorite Internet search engine, and take a look at these new designs - many of which are very stylish. Now then, consider if you will how this opens up the door for more activities which women wearing burkas historically could not do.

For instance, how about a women's bobsled team for the winter Olympics, or how about marathon runners, or other Olympic events such as swim races, high-diving, and synchronized swimming. How about bicycling, ice skating, or even track and field? What a wonderful new sense of freedom they might experience, increasing self-worth, self-esteem, and self-confidence for all the women of Islam - wouldn't that be an awesome new tomorrow for all of humanity?

Not long ago, I was talking to an acquaintance in Sweden and many of the Muslim Women which have immigrated to the country had been to the beach and enjoyed going into the water for the first time just for fun, they were quite happy, and they of course were mostly covered with their new swimwear; The Burquini. Right now these burquinies are somewhat controversial, but they have really taken off big time. From Australia to Europe they are a hot item amongst Muslim Women.

As the coordinator for a think tank which operates online it surely makes me smile to see this new found freedom and happiness. And I've been more than impressed with the designs, patterns, and colors too. This is a great innovation in swimwear and design. And it surely opens up so many future doors for greater participation in society, while they are still able to fully enjoy their heritage and culture. It's a brilliant solution to a pressing challenge.

It would be great to see the women of Islam competing in the Olympic Games, as more and more find ways to honor their traditions, culture, and religion while still joining the rest of the world in honoring the human spirit as we all compete in sports, and share our humanity. Indeed, I am not sure what gave me this thought, other than the fact that the bobsled teams and Olympic speed skaters wear somewhat similar attire to the Burquini Swimwear. But why stop there, why not take this to a higher level, increasing freedom and liberty for all Muslim Women? Please consider all this.

Lance Winslow is the Founder of the Online Think Tank, a diverse group of achievers, experts, innovators, entrepreneurs, thinkers, futurists, academics, dreamers, leaders, and general all around brilliant minds. Lance Winslow hopes you've enjoyed today's discussion and topic. http://www.WorldThinkTank.net - Have an important subject to discuss, contact Lance Winslow.

The Definition of High Maintenance

I recently saw a slogan that said "I am not high maintenance - I just need more shoes". What is this with men calling us high-maintenance, anyway? It is hard work being a stylish woman!

In order to look perfect for every occasion, we need the right tools: the bubble-bath, the lotions and potions, the fluffy towels, the outfit, the make-up, the hairstyle and the perfect mani-pedi combo. Just imagine stepping out without all of those items?

As a woman, it's not about rolling out of bed, pulling on yesterday's jeans and moccasins and grinning at yourself in the mirror on your way to work. We have way too much class to do that. That is why I am saying - they call it high-maintenance, we call it classy.

What is wrong with a woman having 200 pairs of shoes, you ask? Only one thing - it is only two hundred and not 300 hundred. There are 365 days in most years, but being a woman requires a lot more than that. Firstly, there are the slippers you wear to get out of bed. They have to be soft and fluffy. Honestly, who wants to walk on cold floors so early in the morning?

We need a good pair of trainers for our morning run. More than one pair is necessary to match our different workout gear. After a shower, we need dress slippers. We don't want the fluffy ones to get wet in the bathroom. Enter the bathroom after a man has been in there and you will know what I mean...

Then it is time to get ready for work. Different types days in the workplace require different shoes. You can not wear the same shoes to a lunch meeting with the boss that you wear on every other day. Besides, that new receptionist is so stylish in her Manolo's that it is very stressful to keep up. Just to make sure she knows her plays, a woman (high maintenance or otherwise) needs at least one pair each of Christian Louboutin, Giuseppe Zanotti, Marc Jacobs, Stella McCartney, Barbara Bui, Rupert Sanderson, Azzedine Alaïa, Celine and Givenchy.

At the end of the day we need sexy stilettos for those cocktail parties and a few pairs of fetish shoes for later. Finally, when we are home alone and get to take a break from being "high maintenance" - we need a fair amount of comfortable slip-ons, ugh boots and satin slippers.

If The Shoe Doesn't Fit was born out of a mixture of frustration from owning too many shoes and the urge to have more. This great online shoe auction site now offers discount designer shoes and other footwear at great prices. Visit http://www.iftheshoedoesntfit.com now to have a look at their great range.

Good Gift to Women

Jewelry is always popular among women. Almost every woman loves to receive elegant and exquisite jewelry to flaunt their prestige value. Indeed, they are attractive and wearing them can make women look good. While among all kinds of jewelry, earrings are one of the best accessories for women, which can certainly enhance the personality of a woman. There are too many kinds of earrings to choose. I would like to introduce marcasite earrings, which are thought to be perfect presents.

Wearing marcasite earrings has been a custom for hundreds of years. And in modern times, the trend is going on. More and more people prefer to buy them. In my opinion, there are three reasons to account for this trend.

Firstly, they are cheap and affordable. Earrings made of diamond or other precious stones are beautiful and attractive, but they are so expensive that few people can afford it. Moreover, as a gift which is sent to friends as birthday present, expensive jewelry is not practical. However, marcasite earrings are cheap and affordable which won't cost you a lot.

Secondly, they are beautiful and fashionable. Though the price is low, they are beautiful. Low price doesn't mean low quality. The styles and designs of them are abundant which also makes women look charming and elegant. There are many designs including elegant silver earrings with topaz, graceful silver and circular stud, heart and love shaped earrings, and so on. The most important thing is to find the design which matches the receiver's personality and favor. For example, graceful silver and circular stud is suitable for those who are looking for a touch of simplicity. While heart and love shaped is more suitable for the young.

Thirdly, they are unique. The jewelry of some brands is usually similar to each other. However, marcasite earrings are always different. Only wearing unique jewelry can make a woman different from others and shine herself in the crowd.

Perfect presents are not equal to expensive gifts. In contrast, expensive jewelry is sometimes a waste of money, especially when you don't own that much money. If the gifts can express your sincerity and love, then they can be treated as perfect gifts. From the above description, we can find that marcasite earrings are one of the best gifts. Nothing is happier than receiving a gift which is selected by friends or spouse carefully. In conclusion, if you think much of somebody, send marcasite earrings to them and show your love directly.

For more information on the Marcasite earrings, you can check the information available online, and these will help a lot about Marcasite earrings.